Wicket Objects is a sister project to Naked Objects, providing a customizable web-based viewer for Naked Objects implemented using the Apache Wicket framework. Wicket Objects is hosted on SourceForge, and is licensed under Apache Software License v2. Naked Objects is also hosted on SourceForge, and is also licensed under Apache Software License v2.
This user guide is written for developers looking to write Naked Objects applications and deploy them using the Wicket Objects viewer. It assumes familiarity with writing Naked Objects applications, but that is all that is needed to get an application up-and-running with the generic OOUI.
Familiarity with Apache Wicket is also useful to understand how it all fits together, but not essential unless you want to start customizing the UI. If you're interested in learning more about Wicket itself, then Wicket In Action (Martijn Dashort & Eelco Hillenius) is definitely worth reading.