Appendix B. Wicket Objects' Maven Modules

Table of Contents

B.1. AppLib
B.2. Facets
B.3. Model
B.4. UI
B.5. Viewer
B.6. Documentation
B.7. UTest


This appendix, targetted at contributors to Wicket Objects itself, runs through the different Maven (sub)modules and their main contents.

B.1. AppLib

This small submodule defines the Wicket Objects application library, and (along with Naked Objects' own applib) represents the sole point of coupling between Wicket Objects and the domain objects themselves.

There is no real behaviour in this module; instead it defines annotations to decorate your domain objects. An example is @WizardPageDescription, which when applied to a String property will render the value of that property as the header of a wizard page, and suppress the property's label.