Chapter 7. Deployment Topics

Table of Contents

7.1. Running in a WebApp
7.2. Persistence
7.3. Security
7.4. Wicket DEPLOYMENT mode


This chapter touches on various topics that should be addressed prior to deployment.

Before you can deploy your application into production there are a number of things to be addressed. Most significantly of these is persistence, but security is another important topic.

Because Wicket Objects runs on top of Naked Objects, many of the deployment tasks are based on the way in which Naked Objects tackles them.

This chapter briefly outlines the main tasks from a Wicket Objects perspective. You might, though, want to dig out my book, Domain Driven Design using Naked Objects (DDDuNO), for more in-depth coverage of the Naked Objects side-of-things.

7.1. Running in a WebApp

When developing Wicket Objects applications you can run from either the commandline project or from the webapp project (see Section 3.1, “Structure of a Naked Objects Application”). If you've been using the former, then you'll need to switch to running from the latter so that your application can be built as a WAR for deployment. Take care to ensure that:

  • the classpath dependencies are the same (so that any custom components you're using or have written are picked up)

  • that the config file is the same